There has been a lot of buzz lately about this '25 Random things about me' chain letter thing.
Because I'm almost exactly 4 times more interesting than other people, I am posting 100 random things about me:
1. I was born in Edmonton, Alberta
2. I have 3 laptop computers
3. I have 3 Palm PDAs
4. I have been to Mexico five times
5. My favorite color is invisible
6. I have attended six colleges/universities
7. I attended six elementary schools
8. I started dating my wife less than 2 months after she turned 18
9. I have been in approximately 7 car accidents (very few causing injury)
10. I was a private investigator in Calgary in 2003-2004
11. I have read Lord of the Rings 3 times
12. I have five suits
13. I have 4 pairs of Dr. Marten shoes/boots
14. I saw Star Wars for the first time when I was about 3 in about 1980
15. As a kid I watched Inspector Gadget every day at 4:00 PM
16. I broke my right big toe in 1993 and it still hasn't fully healed
17. I majored in vocal music for my first semester of college
18. I have camped in -30 degree weather more than once
19. I have two pairs of Converse All-Stars shoes
20. I have Hard Rock Cafe hats from Las Vegas, Cancun, San Francisco, and Rome
21. I lived in Pennsylvania from June to December of 1996
22. Several of my ancestors were polygamists
23. My paternal grandfather was my principal in grade 2
24. My school laptop has a 1920x1200 15.4" monitor
25. I do not have a 'land line' telephone
26. My kids were born in 2003 and 2005
27. I started playing the piano when I was 3
28. My Fender Stratocaster has replacement knobs
29. I have had two Blackberry phones in the past
30. The most hot dogs I've eaten for one meal was 7
31. I once rented an electric keyboard for an office party
32. I didn't like apple juice when I was a kid
33. I get dizzy really easily
34. I do not think that time travel is possible
35. I have never been arrested
36. I have not been skiing for about 13 years
37. I once threw a penny off the front of Hoover Dam
38. I have been to New York City twice
39. I have only been to California 3 times
40. I have 20/16 vision, whatever that means
41. I am 5'9.5" tall, and have been since I was 15
42. I am a Photoshop expert
43. I have never been to eastern Canada
44. My left ear is noticeably smaller than my right ear
45. The fastest I've gone on my bike is 44 mph (downhill)
46. I was once hit by a pickup truck whilst riding my bike
47. I am one of 3 Canadians in my MBA program
48. I have lived in 11 different cities/towns
49. I am the oldest of 6 kids
50. My favorite poem is The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe
51. I recently applied for a grant for almost a million dollars
52. My iPod holds 160GB - 40GB more than my Dell Latitude D830
53. I haven't logged into my MySpace account for over a year
54. I have memorized most of the dialog from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
55. I can solve a standard Rubik's Cube in 49 seconds
56. I have had my Hotmail account since 1996
57. I once got an email from Brian Baker, the guitarist from Bad Religion
58. I have never been golfing
59. I have not been to a psychiatrist in the last 10 years
60. I once fell into a duck pond in Vernon, British Columbia
61. I lived in Dolan Springs, Arizona for 5 months
62. I can do David Blaine's 'levitation' trick
63. I do not know how to shuffle cards
64. I cannot remember my own birth
65. I have a YouTube video with over 16,000 views
66. I went to a Jewel concert in 1996 without knowing who she was
67. I didn't vote in the 2008 US presidential election
68. I have my gmail account set to the 'Ninja' theme
69. I like cats way better than dogs
70. I am uncomfortable swimming in the ocean
71. Ich spreche ein bisschen Deutsch (nicht sehr gut)
72. I have not turned on my guitar amp since last summer
73. I eat at Subway usually at least once per week
74. I often take the bus/train to school
75. I am 31 years old
76. I almost always wear socks
77. In 7th grade, I had locker number 77
78. I prefer the heat to the cold
79. I like to program in BASIC
80. I change my Facebook status several times per day
81. I once got in trouble at a Boy Scout camp for shooting a metal pole with a 22
82. I have eleven Rubik's Cubes
83. I fried an egg on the sidewalk last summer (it tasted fine)
84. I have a Fender Stratocaster tattoo on my lower right calf
85. I was a big Pee Wee Herman fan when I was about 10
86. I have had about 18 different jobs so far
87. I have been to the following states: Washington, Idaho, Montana, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona, New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Georgia
88. I have been to the following provinces: British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan
89. I've been to the following Mexican states: Sonora, Nayarit, Jalisco, Yucatan, and Quintana Roo
90. I don't like mushrooms
91. My fashion sense became dormant sometime in high school
92. I have 48 applications on my phone right now
93. I have 42 applications on my main computer (other than pre-installed junk)
94. I prefer Linux to either Windows or Mac OS X
95. I like Scrabble and frequently score above 400
96. My favorite flavor of potato chips is Salt & Vinegar
97. I am a marketing intern for a medical device company
98. I like The Far Side, Calvin & Hobbes, and old Dilbert comics
99. I have never been to an NBA or NFL game
100. I love making lists
13 years ago
2 things.....I want to see your levitation trick and how do I view your u-tube video that has had 16000 hits?
Maybe next time you're in AZ I'll show you how to levitate!
What? No surprises?
For some reason I had the same locker in 7th and 8th grade, and I was born in '77; so it was quite a bit easier than normal to rememberize.
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